Capricorn - 2012 and Physical Reality

by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. - Issue #188, December 22, 2011
Planetary Alignments

Other Markers to Monitor Your Mood and Energy in 2012

The Year 2012

For many years, 2012 has been singled out as a pivotal year. Multiple theses are based on realistic observations, derived from predictive sources, intuitively inspired, and extrapolated from a variety of belief systems. The colorful predictions, expectations, and assertions generally focus around two themes - firstly optimistic anticipation, and secondly pessimistic doom.

The optimistic group believes in a great awakening. Defined by a hopefulness for a more loving world, there is often an underlying naïveté, that assumes that we are going to be rescued from our unconscious state and dysfunctional behaviors. I definitely experience the presence of higher energies that make waking up increasingly easier and possible. However, I doubt that this awakening is going to be automatic, or without effort on our part. Our serious participation is required to wake-up and stay awake.

The doomsayers foresee global environmental disasters, and the collapse of economic, political and social systems worldwide. In other words, we are going to pay for our past arrogance, greed, neglect and irresponsibility. Observation is sufficient for us to notice, that economic hardship is increasing for most of the world's population. The frequency and devastation of man-made and natural disasters is too obvious to ignore. What we should be discussing is what are going to do about our global challenges. We need to consider how to organize our institutions to serve the needs of the global population, instead of exploiting and fighting with each other.

Taking sides in polarized speculation and debates, right and wrong accusations, and the need for scientific proof are all forms of denial, problem avoidance, and favor the status quo. Polarization in all its forms is both the challenge, and the opportunity, of the times. Both viewpoints can help illumine our way.

It is obvious that we are in the midst of profound change, however we understand it. Shifts are happening. To optimize how we adapt, and to more consciously direct our lives, it is useful to explore the nature of the energies that are defining our reality. The most important discussion considers HOW we are going to deal with the changes that are upon us. The more we are able to operate out of heart-centered consciousness, the better equipped we can be to find sustainable solutions.

What's Up for 2012?

There are many ways to evaluate, speculate and interpret how the 'forces' will manifest in 2012 and beyond. My understanding concerns a new dynamic that is awaking us up to a deeper, and more grounded, soul experience in physical reality.

We can use both numerology and astrology to help us understand the:

  1. nature of the energies available,
  2. mood of mass consciousness,
  3. challenges that confront us,
  4. opportunities that are presenting themselves, and
  5. impact of massive changes on our personal lives, and on the collective global politic.

First we will examine the numerology of 2012. Then we will look at the astrological energies that can support us in optimizing our growth and experience during this special year.

Numerology and 2012

A key to understanding the significance of 2012 lies in numerology. First, let's look at the individual numbers - two 2's, one 1 and one 0 - the first numbers of a cycle.

ZERO is the century number, which indicates new beginnings. We see this theme everywhere.

ONE is the number of the soul. This decade is about each of us awakening to, and expressing, our unique soul identity, and finding and following our destiny path.

Numbers two, three and four represent different aspects of the mind.

TWO is the number of the protective/negative mind. THREE represents the positive/expansive mind. The keywords for the optimal functioning of our negative mind are PROTECTIVE, PRUDENT, PRAGMATIC and PRODUCTIVE.

2011 was a FOUR year - the neutral mind. I sure hope everyone used 2011 to develop their neutral mind, because we really need it to navigate 2012! The voice of our soul is available in our neutral channel, where we can hear our intuition, the peaceful vibration of our soul, and the sound of the Infinite.

From the detached perspective of our neutral mind, our negative/protective mind is able to compute rationally. Without the guiding truth of our neutral mind, our negative mind has a tendency to be destructive, cynical, judgmental and obsessively critical. Using our dualistic mind to accurately discriminate, and support, our soul journey on Planet Earth, instead of to sabotage us, is going to be one of our most important tasks in 2012.

Spiritual Strength

Our spiritual strength is determined by the degree of activation of our neutral mind, and our ability to hold this state of higher consciousness, not only in our mind but in our emotional and physical bodies.

Sharing after a Kundalini Yoga class, one of the students said that he felt 'spiritually flabby', because he had a hard time maintaining his awareness inside the neutral zone inside his head. What an honest and clear evaluation of our general state of consciousness! We are all 'spiritually flabby' ... and not because we haven't tried to cultivate and maintain our connection with Spirit.

It is my experience that, no matter how much mind meditation we do, our connection with Spirit is going to be transitory, unless we are able to also hold this delicate frequency in our physical and emotional bodies. In our upper chakras the energy goes up and out. To sustain subtle high frequency energies in our body, we have to carefully cultivate our physical body to hold and resonate with them. This is our task for 2012 and beyond.

Up and out is easy. It is more difficult to sustain our connection with Spirit in our physical and emotional bodies. Physical reality is a denser and slower dimension of existence, which makes our task harder. Physical activation and cleansing, and subtle awareness training, are all required. Hmm, just what we wish we could avoid! But the eventual payoff is the pleasure of physical existence, and the sweetness of our embodied soul.

Two plus Zero plus One plus Two Equals Five

The sum total of the digits of 2012 equals five. In numerology FIVE represents the physical body. Physical health is going to be of utmost importance in 2012, but not just because we want to stay healthy. Our physical body is the vehicle that makes it possible for our soul to come to planet Earth. 2012 is going to wake us up to the challenges, and the pleasures, of our soul having a human experience. 2012 is about being consciously present in our physical form in physical reality, and becoming functional soul-directed human beings.

Five is the number of the teacher. Earth School is our teacher. We have to learn our human lessons in order to pass our Earth School exams. This year we will become very aware of the fact that our whole reality resonates with, and is created in, our physical body. We can't escape into our minds, and enter that vast arena of suppression and denial, and we can't figure everything out through mental analysis. We will witness the all-encompassing web of the body-mind connection, which means the empowerment of both the higher expressions of mind/masculine and body/emotions/feminine energies.

The number five is about discovering and experiencing the vital flow of life, which happens only in our body, and requires becoming one with the dynamic unfoldment of natural forces and Mother Earth. This energy is alive, ever-moving and constantly evolving.

Our conscious awakening to the flowing force will radically change our experience of ourselves, life and spirituality. This is not the takeover of women and the demise of men. This expanded consciousness, of the nature of reality, makes it possible to become whole men and whole women. In our wholeness, we work together, share power and use resources equitably for the good of all.

The inner alchemy of higher Love requires the inner marriage, of both the stable/male and the flowing/female polarities of our soul. With the re-introduction of the flowing force into our psyche, both men and women will be able to cultivate an experience of Love in their human vessel, and awaken their hearts. (See my book - The Inner Art of Love).

The Inner Art of Love by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.

The Inner Art of Love by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., answers both basic and profound questions on the navigation of your spiritual journey.

HOW to use the sacred technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to:

The big test for 2012 is cultivating our capacity to carry the higher vibrations of Love in our body. Can our body be transmuted into an instrument of Love and Peace? Can we live our human lives from Love and Peace consciousness?

Sounds good! Now we have to get real and do the work. Welcome to physical reality and year five.

Astrological Support

The astrological configurations of 2012 can help us realize our in-the-body, physical reality goals. The earth element (body/physical reality) and the water element (emotions) are classified as feminine energies. Air (mind) and fire (Spirit) are classified as masculine). Earth and water element energies dominate in 2012.

Neptune and Chiron are in water sign Pisces. (More about their influence in Neptune's Pisces Journey). Neptune re-enters Pisces February 4, 2012, after a short return to Aquarius between August 4th, 2011 and February 3rd, 2012.

In this issue we discuss the earth element influences:

  1. Pluto is in Capricorn 2008-2024.
  2. Mars is in Virgo November 2011 through July 3rd, 2012.
  3. Jupiter is in Taurus June 4th, 2011 through June 11th, 2012, which is part of a grand trine in the Earth signs due to occur in March 2012.
Earth School

Capricorn brings in the new year at the Winter Solstice on December 21st.

Capricorn, the third earth sign, is associated with the Planet Saturn. Key concepts for both Capricorn and Saturn include tests and challenge related to physical reality. To meet these Earth School tests, we must:

  1. be practical and realistic,
  2. put forth effort,
  3. focus our attention on what must be done to accomplish wisely-chosen priorities,
  4. be responsible for our choices and actions,
  5. work within limits and boundaries,
  6. stay grounded in the moment, and
  7. monitor and take care of our physical body and emotions.

Gosh, not exactly what I had in mind sitting on my meditation mat! Welcome again to year five and physical reality.

Capricorn New Moon - December 24th

The Capricorn archetype directs us to find our personal mountain and, through self-initiation, to keep climbing to our summit of personal excellence. Our earthly journey leads us to connect with our inner truth, so we can become our own authority, and make our own decisions based on what we feel is right for our lives. At various markers we have to stop and examine our choices, re-define our priorities, and evaluate our way of life. 2012 is one of these life changing markers.

Uranus, now direct, back at 1° Aries, and squaring this new moon, is supporting us in detaching from outside pressures, so that we can feel free to question, and to experiment for ourselves, how to find and follow our personal truth.

Jupiter in Taurus goes direct on Christmas, the day after the New Moon. After an introspective time retrograde (since August 30th), we are encouraged to be optimistic and self-confident, as we move forward in ways that give value to our uniqueness, and support us in realizing our goals.

Pluto joins the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, intensifying the need to get honest, and to get real about what is unsustainable in our lives. In Capricorn since 2008, Pluto reveals the inconvenient truths about why things don't work, and exposes the hidden costs of excessive materialism and systems that enrich a few (actually less than 1%), at the expense of the masses (more than 99%). Pluto makes known our evolutionary edge by exposing our shadow, so that what has been suppressed (and in charge) can be healed and elevated into the light of our soul. Pluto in Capricorn makes us aware of what thoughts, choices and actions must change if we want to evolve into higher love.

Earth Issues

Capricorn is a minimalist, contractive, conservative sign. Pluto in Capricorn "represents both the fundamental breakdown of the old period, a stripping away to essence, followed eventually by a rebuilding into something new".(1)

Earth issues include environmental, resource, population and infrastructure issues that are about limitations and downsizing. We don't like limitations. We prefer expansion, growth and better times. But collectively we are have to face the reality of diminishing reserves, dwindling resources and failing infrastructure.

In 2012 and beyond, most people are going to be preoccupied with dealing with survival, financial, and practical matters. All our survival, security and first chakra issues teach us that rooted securely in our body, connected to Mother Earth, there is hope that things can get better.

Capricorn brings our attention to the importance of living responsible lives, and making our individual contribution. The collective is made up of individuals, and the consciousness and actions of each one of us impact the whole. If we each do our piece, we can be at peace.

Cancer Full Moon - January 8th

At each full moon, the Moon shines in the polarity of the current Sun sign, highlighting the inter-relationship of the two supportive signs. The Cancer/Capricorn polarity pair reminds us of the relationship between our inner and outer realities. Realism and pragmatism in the physical world (Capricorn) requires inner emotional maturity and an elevated consciousness (Cancer). Inner peace is a requirement for outer peace.

Achieving a higher level of emotional and mental MATURITY is our goal. The Cancer archetype represents our internal emotional support system, for our career and physical health. Cancer supports us in building a more connected inner reality as a foundation for our activities in the world. Cancer invites into our inner space, where, we simply listen to our soul and relax into the feeling of Love. In our inner space we can witness the deep desire of our soul to expand the depth and scope of our human experience. Our soul yearns to be embodied and connected with the flow of life, that can only be known on planet Earth.

Earth School Guidelines

Capricorn/Saturn guidelines for dealing with our Earth School trials and tests include the following:

Mars in Virgo

Mars moved into the territory of Virgo on November 10th, 2011, where it stays for almost eight months through July 3rd, 2012. Mars is assertive, direct, courageous, and represents our active, make things happen and get things done energy. Earth Mother Virgo is careful, analytical, practical and grounded in what is real in the moment.

This eight-month-long sojourn includes retrograde motion from January 23rd through April 13th.

During this almost 3 month period when Mars is retrograde, we may feel as though our get things done (testosterone energy) got turned down. If we expect to move forward as usual and then feel thwarted by a lack of energy, there can be a tendency to feel depressed and angry.

This is a time to assess our current situation and to evaluate where we choose to use our energy and resources.

Mars in Virgo stimulates inner analysis. I find myself watching my thoughts (Virgo analysis) and noting the energy, motivation or belief that produces these thoughts. For example, I notice judgmental thoughts and realize the old programs that give birth to them. Not wanting to pollute my inner environment, I choose to let them go. I do so by chanting a mantra, or being in gratitude and offering blessings. I experience a strong urge to not allow negative thoughts to take up my mind space. Mars in Virgo gives us an opportunity for mental house cleaning.

Virgo strives for purity. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo brings us heightened awareness. As an earth sign, Virgo sensitizes us to deeper levels of intuitive/instinctual knowing. I am welcoming the process, because I know this gift from Mars in Virgo will be available only during this 8 month period.

Mars in Virgo touchstones are - reflect, rethink, reconsider and realign.

Earth Grand Trine

In the upcoming Pisces issue, we will discuss the profound influence of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and how water signs support us in experiencing Love in our physical and emotional bodies. Harbingers of Universal Love, Neptune and Pisces create the context that makes it possible to feel the energy of unconditional love that animates every human being. When we 'get it' we experience this unifying force everywhere, and in every being and thing.

The earth signs teach us to experience Love as an in-the-body feeling, and an awareness of an all-pervasive energy presence that is within us, around us and everywhere. Love isn't a concept for the earth signs. Love is a sensual experience. The only way to act from Love consciousness is to resonate with the frequency of Love, not only in our mind but also in our physical, emotional and subtle bodies. Can we turn up the vibration and hold it in our physical and energetic fields?

Our experience of unconditional love is being facilitated by a grand trine in the Earth signs during March 2012. Venus and Jupiter (in Taurus), Mars (in Virgo) and Pluto (in Capricorn) make a triangular formation, exact on March 13th, and active for several weeks before and after that date.

The Earth element helps us become aware of our connection with the Earth Mother. This is not an escape your body, deny your emotions, 'spiritual' experience. These combined energies offer us an authentic resonance with the Love of Gaia, Mother Earth herself. This cosmic alignment further facilitates the reintegration of the Divine Feminine into the planetary psyche. 2012 continues our journey of realignment and reunification with the Divine Mother.

2012 is a year of Love. Venus, the planet of peace, well-being, equilibrium, mental, emotional and physical balance, is a big player. This Earth grand trine showers us with peace, love and harmony, offering us a Spring of Love, even better than the sixties (summer of love 1967).

Choosing Love

We live in a time of uncertainty. There is a lot that we cannot know. If we focus on not knowing, we fill ourselves with the negative vibrations of doubt and fear, and become our own worst enemy. We can discuss endlessly the possibilities and probabilities that can confront us in 2012 and beyond. However, the overriding thing we need to be concerned about, is the state of consciousness from which we operate in the world. Do we choose fear or do we choose love? Circumstances will challenge us. Change is going to happen. Life is going to evolve. How do we choose to face our challenges? What is our attitude toward change? How do we choose to live our lives?

We are all preoccupied taking care of our many earth challenges and chores. If we just devote 2012 to experiencing Love, and acting from this consciousness during the day, everything else can fall into place. It is an all-inclusive job, involving every aspect of our lives. 2012 is about back to basics - Experience Love. Hold the feeling of Love in your body, and live from Love consciousness.

We make this choice every day at every moment. Our daily job in 2012 is to upgrade our consciousness, cultivate a strong nervous system, and take care of our physical, subtle and emotional bodies, so that we are capable of choosing love.

Transitions to a Heart Centered World by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.

Transitions to a Heart-Centered World by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., is a rich and unique compilation of the core teachings and Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations of Yogi Bhajan.

The new Second Edition, revised and updated,is ready to welcome a whole new generation of students to this life-changing technology. It offers powerful and effective techniques to both teacher and student, to empower your lower chakras and open your heart to unconditional love.

Contains literally dozens of meditations to access heart and soul consciousness.

Kundalini Yoga - Fear/Love Checklist

Below is a check list that you can use to monitor your current state, in terms of vibrating with fear or with Love. Practice noticing and then choose love over fear. Use your mind to change your attitude, and then feel the energy shifts in your physical and emotional bodies. Witness how quickly you can shift. Experiment with the many things that you can do that facilitate your choice and ability to create and maintain a state of Love:

  1. chanting a mantra,
  2. changing your breath with any pranayama,
  3. moving your body with walking, exercise and Kundalini Yoga, and
  4. taking action.
ConflictedAt Peace
JudgingNeutral, blessings
DissatisfiedSatisfied, content, grateful

To strengthen your nervous system, it is very important to integrate pranayama in your daily sadhana. The Pranayama Series on pages 72-3 in Transitions to a Heart-Centered World 2nd Edition offers a great set and individual exercises, that can quickly elevate your state of mind, body and emotions.

Capricorn Classes - Guru Rattana Online

Check out Guru Rattana Online lessons for Capricorn under BODY/EARTH ELEMENT, for in depth lessons on how to get grounded in your body and connect with Mother Earth.

If you haven't already subscribed, you will need to do so to watch these classes. For a low monthly rate you can enjoy unlimited viewing of all my classes.

References and Footnotes

"Capricorn New Moon - December 24 and Cancer Full Moon - January 8-9", Austin, Stephanie, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, p. 104-5.

"2012 and Beyond: Clarifying the Timeline of Change", Herbst, Bill, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp 32-35.

"Sustainability Issues in 2012 and Beyond", Lehman, J. Lee, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp 38-42.

"2012, Uranus and Pluto: The Planetary and Technological Triggers", Levine, Rick, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp 43-45.

"Taxes, Mortgages, and Wills: A Personal Experience of Saturn through the 8th House", Surtees, Kelly, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp. 17-18.

"Peak Moments of 2012 and Forecast for Each Sign", Tarriktar, Tem, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp46-50.

"A Timeless Love Story: The Grand Trine of March 2012", Wheatcroft, Alan R., The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #160, Dec/Jan 2012, pp 54-55.

1. Lehman, page 41.


For news of all the latest astrological events, check out Guru Rattana Blog